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How do I know if my virtual property is authentic ?

All properties sold on our website are NFTs, which give you a location on our Tilia.Earth.

The protocol used is Polygon.

What's in an NFT ?

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are pieces of digital content linked to the blockchain, the digital database underpinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. No two NFTs are the same.  

When you buy a property from us, you receive an NFT. All properties sold on our website are NFTs, which give you a location on our Tilia.Earth. The protocol used is Polygon  

How to purchase a property?

(1) Visit the Tiliaverse Marketplace. Choose a property from the selection displayed and pay via PayPal.  

(2) Once we have received your payment, you will receive a message from us regarding your order and easy-to-follow instructions on creating your crypto wallet, where you will receive and keep your NFTs. The whole process only takes a few minutes, and we are always within reach to address your questions throughout the process.  

Why do I want an NFT ?

NFTs are transferrable. You may resell them as they may increase in value, just like real-world
properties. As we develop the Tilia.Earth Metaverse, owning a property will also allow you exclusive access to its features.  

Can I buy a property that is not listed ?

Yes! Reach out to us and we will create your desired property. Property prices usually depend on several factors, just like real-world properties, so prices will vary.   

You may check on the Tilia.Earth Metaverse map if your desired property still has no owner in the metaverse. If it is already owned, you may view the property on OpenSea and make an offer
to the property’s owner.

What if I change my mind ?

If you’re having second thoughts and want to return your property, maybe we can answer your
questions, so reach out to us. But if you really need to go, check out our refund policy here .  

Where is my property? Where can I see it ?

Using the address of your property, you can view it at the Tilia.Earth Metaverse map. On the map, you can change the displayed name of the owner, link your social media websites, or your real-life business websites.

You may also see the properties that you own in your Wallet.

What is the future of Tilia.Earth Metaverse ?

Exciting things are coming, see our roadmap here.